the exemplary seed

the exemplary seed


my child. listen to me

hear me as i talk but i worry

does my voice come off as harsh

be great. don’t falter. don’t hurt. i

want you to succeed. be great. be

better than me and the others before you

be strong. be fluid. accept change.

the universe cant control you. be

beautiful. be bountiful. be incredible.

make moves that create. make steps that

create within you  a beacon of


tell negativity to stall. be quiet

greatness comes from within. life

only forgives those who try. be

true. be new. be ok.  be you.

be your mother’s warmth. be your

daddy’s angst and unforgiving questioning.

be your mother’s drive. your daddies

lets control this and make it live.

be compassionate and be understanding.

be life. hold your secrets close. share

with your loves. choose them succinctly. be

human and humans you are to love. my

child just be great. exemplarily. stupendously

the adult.

be working and building. creating. be

successor of lost legacies. be controlled

of destinies so forgotten. be

chill. be sensible. but at the end of the day

be you. love you. we love you too.


“…of silence, art and love!” [Friday, June 6, 2014] 

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