41 years a man … living

41 years a man … living


another round of emotions begins. loving. hating.

kissing where kisses are due. sometimes even happy

because life. flows. and smiles grow as goals accomplished

always brings in things brand and new. each day. each week.

each month. each year is a extension of a dream. i live.

i run until i’m out of breathe. i sing at the top of

lungs until eyes shed tears. i cry.  emotional baggage

but those i carry with style. i stopped wondering why.

just move black man. everything will be revealed in time.

every question. answered. every answer. questioned.

nothing is certain. but everything within hands grasp.

even love. and a woman’s warm ass snuggling into me.

that too a new horizon brings. the sun sets. night

i dream and raise the sun when i’m ready to live again.

i speak. not really speaking. i just scribble nonsensical

musings until even nature remembers beginnings.

nothing ends forever. this life. i live. i love.

i breathe.


“… of silence, art and love!” [Friday, February 28, 2014] 

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